
#neverstoplearning tip #2: create community

Image c/o The Style Line

Image c/o The Style Line

It’s just a fact of being human: we all crave community. Though it’s easy to understand how companionship comes into play in our social lives, it’s important to remember that support from others is important in our work lives, too. Even if you consider yourself a “solopreneur,” it’s not easy running a business — in fact, it can sometimes feel like a daunting challenge. Coming together with like-minded colleagues can provide inspiration and commiseration, ultimately decreasing overwhelm.

This week’s #neverstoplearning tip #2 is to create community. It’s a great way to share our skills with others and spread the love, while also gaining insight from the people who are two steps ahead of us in certain realms.

If you’re looking to build your own business and seeking a community of like-minded creatives, I highly recommend checking out Marie Forleo’s B-School. Many of my classmates from when I took the course — not to mention Marie herself — still remain my closest friends and confidants, whenever I seek support.

Join us on social media and show us how you’re taking this week’s #neverstoplearning challenge. How did you build your own community, and how has it supported your bold business goals?


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